bu-ku: delicious food that also makes you feel fancy |
- SOUNDBITES AT THE PUB, featuring musicians from the NC Symphony playing Ysayë's violin concerto and a Mendelssohn string quartet while you eat an ambrosial 3-course dinner, 4/14 at 6 PM, at bu-ku (official watering hole of the NC Opera chorus). tickets menu
- JAZZ AT NC STATE, featuring the school's multiple jazz combos, 4/15 at 7 PM in Frank Thompson Hall, tickets
- NORTH CAROLINA JAZZ REPERTORY ORCHESTRA, 4/15 at 8 PM at Sharp Nine Gallery. tickets
- CIOMPI QUARTET, premiering a new work by Pulitzer-winning
composer Melinda Wagner, also playing an Ernst string quartet and Chausson concerto with Durham-born piano prodigy Andrew Tyson and French violinist Gabriel Richard, 4/19 at 8 PM in Baldwin Auditorium. tickets
Chapel Hill
- BROADWAY TWISTED, An evening of gender-swapped showtunes from PlayMakers and Manbites Dog Theater to benefit Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the NC AIDS action network, 4/14 at 8 PM at Local 506. tickets
- UNC SYMPHONY WITH CLARA YANG, playing Sibelius and Rachmaninoff, proceeds benefit the Department of Music's scholarship fund, 4/16 at 7:30 in Memorial Hall. tickets
- UNC WIND ENSEMBLE & SYMPHONY BAND, proceeds benefit the Department of Music's scholarship fun, 4/17 in Memorial Hall. tickets
- ASSASSINS, Sondheim's creepy, funny shoot-em-up musical, 4/14-4/18 at 7:30 PM, 4/19, 2 and 7:30 PM, 4/20, 2 PM at PlayMakers. tickets
- ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC, with new works from UNC student composers played by the Chapel Hill Contemporary Music Ensemble, 4/15 at 8 PM in the Kenan Music Building Rehearsal Hall. free
About the author
I'm Andrea. Everything you need to know is here.